Outset Inspirations – Ryan Hunt
We sat down with one of Outset’s designers, Ryan Hunt, to explore exactly where he finds inspiration when designing, how he continues to produce exciting new ideas and what he enjoys most about design.
How do you see your role as a designer?
Ryan: The fundamental principles of design have been around 100’s of years, so I see the role of a modern designer as being able to incorporate the best aspects of these existing styles into something new. With all the design that has come before us we should be in the best placed position to manipulate and create amazing designs.
There is no need to be repetitive in modern design. Part of the buzz of being a designer in this era is that the doors are open for you to create in a very original way. This along with history and changes in technology and clients’ needs and wants have led to where we are today.
As a designer you’re often responsible for idea generation and bringing a client’s ideas to life – where do you draw your inspiration from when designing?
Ryan: For me it’s about always taking notice – seeing new builds that go up in areas around Adelaide, observing new architecture in places like Sydney and Melbourne and actually taking note of the style, emerging trends and creative uses of space.
I’ll either take a photo, save a link, or make a mental image of an inspiring piece of design, which then I can refer back to at a later date. That’s why it’s so important to always be observing trends that emerge around you as a designer. Even if you don’t necessarily love what you see – there will always be an opportunity to take away some small feature of element that either works really well or maybe doesn’t work at all.
What do you enjoy most about being a designer?
Ryan: There is something fantastic about seeing something that started as an idea, be transformed onto paper and then into structure. In some ways it’s a representation of you in structural form.
The entire process is great. To begin with a simple concept from a client, be able to work through the ideas until they become a floor plan and ultimately a beautiful and functional build is a great process. To be specific, I particularly love working on external elevations – when you get this part of the design right it really makes the home amazing.
I love being able to take something very conceptual and deliver it back to the client as an end product that they are happy with and that you are also very proud of.
Thanks for taking the time to chat with us.